Dr. Tom Gambino summarized and sent us a great article by Dr. Kimberly Alexander, a fellow psychologist from The Child Mind Institute, to share with our families. The article is titled: Our child is being bullied, but doesn’t want us to talk to the school.
This article summary can help you and your child navigate the very challenging situation of when your child is being bullied at school, but doesn’t want the school to know.
1. Listen to your child’s concerns and express empathy. (“I understand this must be really hard for you.”)
2. Ask your child how they would handle the situation and problem solve with them.
3. Begin to brainstorm possible solutions with them.
4. If there is a safety concern to your child, explain why this must be shared with their school. Discuss how you (the parent) will work to decrease possible retaliation or other students finding out.
5. Brainstorm with your child on what you (the parent) will say to the school administrators.
6. Praise your child for sharing the bullying incident with you and give them space to further express their feelings.
Click on this link to read the full article by Dr. Alexander.